Disclaimer: These resources are organized by the county that their physical office resides in. Their location may not dictate the areas they serve in Colorado. For further information on a resource’s area of service, please contact them directly.
Better Business Bureau
Denver metro:
3801 E Florida Ave #350 Denver, CO 80210
Southern Colorado:
25 N Wahsatch Ave #100, CO Springs, CO 80903
Northern Colorado/Wyoming:
8020 S County Road 5 #100, Fort Collins, CO 80528
Main Website: www.bbb.org
BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB is a nonprofit, business-supported organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. All BBB services to consumers are free of charge. BBB provides objective advice, free BBB Business Profiles on more than 5.3 million businesses, 11,000 Charity Reviews, dispute resolution services, alerts, and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. We do this by setting standards for marketplace trust, encouraging and supporting best practices by engaging and educating consumers and businesses, celebrating marketplace role models, and calling out and addressing sub-standard marketplace behaviors.
Eligibility: All consumers
Colorado Department of Law- Consumer Protection Section
1300 Broadway, 7th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
The Colorado Attorney General is dedicated to protecting Colorado consumers and businesses against fraud by upholding the various laws designed to maintain a fair and competitive business environment while protecting consumers from being targets of fraud. Whether scammers are attempting to concot elaborate investment schemes, to bait and switch advertising, or to lender and elderly fraud, the various Criminal and Civil Units within the office are devoted to keeping Coloradans safe.
Eligibility: All consumers
The Center for Relationship Education
8101 East Belleview, Unit G
Denver, CO 80237
The Center for Relationship Education’s exists to equip individuals of all ages with the healthy relationship development skills necessary to be in positive relationships with their friends, family, co-workers, and romantic partners
Eligibility: Active duty Military, Veterans, National Guard and Reservists are all eligible to receive no-cost services from The Center for Relationship Education.
Health Net Federal Services
Educate beneficiaries on their TRICARE benefits as well as educate Provider’s on how to properly submit authorizations and referrals through Health Net Federal Services.
Eligibility: Beneficiary must be eligible for TRICARE benefits.
VA Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention
1700 N Wheeling St.
Aurora, CO 80045
The mission of the Rocky Mountain MIRECC is to study suicide with the goal of reducing suicidal ideation and behaviors in the Veteran population. The work of the Rocky Mountain MIRECC is focused on: promising clinical interventions, the cognitive and neurobiological underpinnings of suicidal thoughts, and behaviors that may lead to innovative prevention strategies. The vision of the Rocky Mountain MIRECC is: Veterans, their families, and the VHA will have increased information and options to make health decisions aimed at decreasing suicide risk.
Eligibility: Variable – depends on research study
Colorado Humanities & Center for the Book
7935 E. Prentice Ave Suite 450
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM
The Colorado Center for the Book is an affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book. As a department of Colorado Humanities, its mission is to encourage a love of reading among people of all ages through diverse cultural activities. Colorado Humanities inspires the people of Colorado to explore ideas and appreciate our diverse cultural heritage. Passing on the knowledge of the past, the inspiration of the present, and the hope for the future, we envision a Colorado that celebrates its heritage and its diversity; that reads, embraces, participates in critical discussions, and listens, teaches, and learns; where communities, families, individuals, and especially our youth, apply the humanities in their everyday lives. Colorado Humanities strives to bring the humanities to life in Colorado.
Colorado Department of Law- Consumer Protection Section
1300 Broadway, 7th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
The Colorado Attorney General is dedicated to protecting Colorado consumers and businesses against fraud by upholding the various laws designed to maintain a fair and competitive business environment while protecting consumers from being targets of fraud. Whether scammers are attempting to concot elaborate investment schemes, to bait and switch advertising, or to lender and elderly fraud, the various Criminal and Civil Units within the office are devoted to keeping Coloradans safe.
Eligibility: All consumers
The Center for Relationship Education
8101 East Belleview, Unit G
Denver, CO 80237
The Center for Relationship Education’s exists to equip individuals of all ages with the healthy relationship development skills necessary to be in positive relationships with their friends, family, co-workers, and romantic partners
Eligibility: Active duty Military, Veterans, National Guard and Reservists are all eligible to receive no-cost services from The Center for Relationship Education.
Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center
559 East Pikes Peak Avenue Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
The Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center offers free business consulting, practical training, and business resources that maximize the economic potential of entrepreneurs within the Pikes Peak region. Our mission is to help existing and new businesses grow and prosper. Our goal at the Pikes Peak SBDC is to help emerging and existing entrepreneurs gain control of their business operations. Let us help you maximize your business potential.
Eligibility: Any entrepreneurs, aspiring small business owners, and existing business owners. Veterans, Active Duty, Separated, and Retired individuals would would eligible to meet with our Lead Veterans Program consultant and take part in additional veterans only educational events.
SCLHealth Lutheran Hospice
3210 Lutheran Parkway
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Lutheran Hospice is a community hospice located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. We accept most insurances for pallative care and hospice services and have a current contract with the VA to provide Veteran-centric hospice care. We offer inpatient, home care, and other community level support of patients in hospice care.
Eligibility: N/A
Veterans Services-Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Colorado Mesa University proudly complies with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Principles of Excellence and is committed to supporting those who have served our country. Veterans and their eligible dependents can count on CMU for the current information they need to receive education benefits through the VA
Eligibility: Interested in attending or are attending college.
Castle Rock Art Cooperative
(303) 910-6522
6228 Leilani Ln
Castle Rock, CO 80108
Castle Rock Artist Cooperative (CRAC) is an artist nonprofit serving the community of Castle Rock. We offer Veterans Art Therapy, which is a joint program between the CRAC and the Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation (DCVMF) — both Colorado-based 501(c)(3)’s — to assist local veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress. The program is designed to use the healing qualities of art to help veterans battling PTS.
Since the program’s inception in November of 2020, we have expanded our offerings of instruction in oil painting to also encompass photography, sculpture, watercolor and more. We are actively recruiting both veterans as well as artists/instructors to teach the courses.
Eligibility: US Military Veteran.