On behalf of the West Metro Veterans Fair Committee, we would like to extend an invitation to your organization to participate in the 2022 West Metro Veterans Fair (WMVF). As part of our veteran outreach, the City of Lakewood and the Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 have co-sponsored the West Metro Veterans Fair since 2013. This year’s event willincrease awareness of non-profit programs and services available for veterans and their families by highlighting employment, housing, mental health and educational resources.
The event will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 11am to 2:00pm at the Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 located at 1455 Newland St, Lakewood, CO. The successful 2021 event hosted nearly 50 non-profit veteran organizations and approximately 250 fair attendees.
The City of Lakewood provides and prints WMVF brochures that contain a short summary of each non-profit as well as contact information. We have attached a copy of 2021 Veterans Fair Brochure to serve as a reference. Additionally, the City of Lakewood provides other printed materials including posters and rack cards for distribution and there is no cost associated with your participation. We have further developed the City’s veteran’s resource page, Lakewood.org/Veterans < Caution-http://www.lakewood.org/veterans > , to include the WMVF section that will feature links to non-profit webpages for those who participate. This allows your resource information to remain available to veterans and other high-risk populations who were unable to attend the WMVF.
At the Elks Lodge, a 6-foot table and two chairs will be provided where organizations can hang a banner and distribute printed materials.New this year, tables will not be assigned but rather they will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Let us not forget the BBQ! The Elks Lodge will be hosting a free patio BBQ for fair participants and attendees.
If your organization would like to participate at the 2022 WMVF, pleaseRSVP using the link below by August 5. Contact KimMon@lakewood.org if you have any questions.
Link: https://us.openforms.com/Form/f8f4c6bb-cc95-4c53-86a2-67e2fd2ee9be