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The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is hosting Virtual Recruiting Events which will include the opportunity for one-on-one application assistance.

These events are open to the public are a great opportunity for faster onboarding with TSA. No experience is required to apply.

We are hiring for full- and part-time Transportation Security Officer (TSO) positions at Colorado area airports. Pay rate and shifts vary by airport starting at $16.51 – $22.28 per hour, with great federal benefits, and a $1,000 Sign-On Bonus!

Please visit https://intsignup.indeed.com/interview/b7130566-b36f-403d-af39-ce46a6107f8e for more information and to RSVP for a Virtual Recruiting Event.

Attend a TSA Virtual Recruiting Event on:

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
10:00 a.m.  or  12:00 p.m.  US/Mountain
Connect via Web

Attached is a flyer with complete event details. 20210913_170602_95780_ColoradoVirtualRecruitingEventSeptember28,2021FTPT$16.51-$22.58perhour

For more information on the responsibilities and duties of a TSO and to explore open positions, visit Caution-https://jobs.tsa.gov/TSO.

If you have any questions or would like additional information about TSA recruitment, please contact Noelle Haggerty in Recruitment Strategy at noelle.haggerty@tsa.dhs.gov or by calling 571-599-5123.


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