First Responders, we invite you and your family to a rip roarin’ day at the Ranch!

Saturday, June 25, at 11-3 p.m.
Saturday, July 2, at 11-3 p.m,
Tuesday, July 12, at 11-3 p.m.

Registration is first come, first serve at Bring your buckaroos with hats and sunscreen. Lunch,drinks and snacks will be provided. There is no cost for your family to attend. All staff and volunteers have undergone standard background screening.

This event is open to families of local law enforcement and fire fighters. Please immediate family only to make room for other families.We are here to support you in your service to the community.

Rounding up all First Responder Families with children ages 5-17. Put on your boots for games, hayrides, horse fun, crafts, snacks and a devotional. We’ll be holding our round ups on: Eagle’s Nest Ranch is a 501c3 horse ranch ministry that helps people soar above adversity through interaction with horses. We serve the general public, first responders and the military community free of charge. Volunteers and sponsors are needed. Thank you!

Contact the Ranch for more information: 720-891-5401
36998 Timber Dr. Elizabeth, CO 80107