The Project Patriot Program is hosting a series of free virtual events over October and November to create a national collaborative platform. With Veterans Day right around the corner, they wanted to bring the veteran community together and provide another avenue to share stories and ask questions from others that have served. To do so, they are going to have 3 spotlight series, information about each event can be found in the flyers below.

The link below has been included so you can RSVP to each event that you are interested in attending.  Once you submit your form, we will be sure to send out the invitation, so you have the necessary information.

A couple of things to note:

  • You can attend as many of the events that pique your interest.
  • This is free for all attendees.

Spotlight Series – CraigandStacy
Spotlight Series-CaitlinIcart
Spotlight Series-NoreenDavidGillilander